mercredi 5 novembre 2008

Martin Luther king has been elected President

The 2008' Martin Luther king is he able to resolve the Financial Crash ?

Democratic Senator Barack Obama has been elected the first black president of the United States, prompting celebrations across the country.
"It's been a long time coming, but tonight... change has come to America," the president-elect told a jubilant crowd at a victory rally in Chicago.
His rival John McCain accepted defeat, and called on his supporters to lend the next president their goodwillThe American people have made two fundamental statements about themselves: that they are profoundly unhappy with the status quo, and that they are slamming the door on the country's racial past.
McCain: 'We must work together'Mr Obama appeared with his family, and his running mate Joe Biden, before a crowd of tens of thousands in Grant Park, Chicago.
Many people in the vast crowd, which stretched back far into the Chicago night, wept as Mr Obama spoke.
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer," he said. He had warm words for his family, announcing to his daughters: "Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House."
But he added: "Even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime - two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.
"The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. But America - I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there."
Hours after Mr Obama's victory was announced, crowds were still celebrating on the streets of Washington DC and Mr Obama's hometown of Chicago.
Several states reported very high turnout. It was predicted 130 million Americans, or more, would vote - more than for any election since 1960. Many people said they felt they had voted in a historic election - and for many African-Americans the moment was especially poignant.
Besides winning the presidency, the Democrats tightened their grip on Congress. The entire US House of Representatives and a third of US Senate seats were up for grabs

Below the final results :
Obama : Electoral College (349); pourcentage (52.3%); Votes (62,680,702)McCain : Electoral College (162); pourcentage (46.4%); Votes (55,542,743)Others : Electoral College (0); pourcentage (1.1%); Votes (1,534,883)

mardi 16 septembre 2008

The Lehman Brothers Bank Bankruptcy : The fall of the non universal banks

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc (LEH.P: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) has tapped bankruptcy expert Harvey Miller of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP to help carry out its possible liquidation, the Wall Street Journal said.Lehman's relationship with New York-based Weil goes back some three decades, and the firm has advised the bank on numerous deals, from mortgage securitizations to private-equity buyouts to telecom mergers, the paper said.Miller led the bankruptcies of Texaco Inc and Continental Airlines Inc (CAL.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz), as well as the 1990 filing of Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc, the last major investment bank to file for bankruptcy protection, the Journal said.Although Lehman filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday, several lawyers told the paper they suspected the bank's holding company would ultimately liquidate, after selling off what it could.Lehman and Miller could not be immediately reached for comment.

mardi 22 avril 2008

La plus gde augmentation de capital jamais vue en Europe

ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND GROUP va lancer une augmentation de capital de 12 milliards de livres (environ 15 milliards d'euros) afin de consolider son bilan et de couvrir des dépréciations de 5,9 milliards de livres. Suite à la crise du crédit, la banque indique que l'activité banque de gros d'ABN Amro acquise l'année dernière, pourrait rencontrer des difficultés. Le titre recule de plus de 2,5% en Bourse, après cette annonce.

En détail, 11 nouvelles actions au prix de 200 pence par titre seront proposées aux actionnaires pour chaque lot de 18 actions détenues, soit une décote de 46% par rapport au cours de clôture de lundi à 372,50 pence.

Royal Bank of Scotland compte effectuer des cessions d'actifs, afin de récolter 4 milliards de livres, notamment en vendant son activité dans l'assurance. Au total, l'effet des dépréciations sur son capital sera de 4,3 milliards de livres en net (5,9 milliards de livres avant impôt).

lundi 3 mars 2008

The ICT must-have event !

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

vendredi 29 février 2008

L'heure des Bilans

Forbes (Coming soon)...

jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Bill Gates en tournée à Paris

Bill à la Mairie : Signature d’un partenariat numérique avec Paris
Le cofondateur de Microsoft, Bill Gates, et le maire de Paris Bertrand Delanoë ont signé mardi un "partenariat numérique" visant notamment à soutenir de jeunes entreprises parisiennes et à former des demandeurs d'emploi.
C'est un accord à la fois "économique pour aider des start-up et stimuler la croissance, et social afin de permettre à des personnes sans emploi d'accéder aux technologies" numériques, a déclaré M. Gates lors d'un point de presse à l'Hôtel de Ville, sans révéler le montant du partenariat.
"Nous allons désormais chaque année épauler 40 start-up, dans le domaine en particulier du design numérique et des éco-activités" pour la protection de l'environnement, a expliqué M. Delanoë, rappelant qu'il voulait faire de Paris une "ville d'innovation".
Deuxième objectif, "permettre le retour à l'emploi d'une centaine de personnes au chômage", jeunes Parisiens ou informaticiens allocataires du RMI, en leur offrant des formations.
Les animateurs des centres d'hébergement et de réinsertion sociale (CHRS) pourront également suivre des cycles de formation pour aider à "lutter contre la fracture numérique", a souligné M. Delanoë.
Enfin, un "centre sportif numérique" sera installé début 2009 porte de Montreuil dans le cadre du projet de réhabilitation mené dans ce quartier par la ville de Paris. Ce lieu, qui mêlera les activités physiques et virtuelles, proposera notamment "aux jeunes du quartier une pratique des jeux vidéo moins solitaire", précise un communiqué remis à l'occasion de cette visite.
Microsoft a déjà mis en place des partenariats technologiques similaires avec les villes de Barcelone, Manchester, Birmingham et Lyon.
Cet accord n'est "pas exclusif" et ne remet donc pas en cause l'engagement de la mairie de Paris pour les logiciels libres, choisis pour équiper la moitié de son parc informatique, a rassuré M. Delanoë, alors que les Verts et le PCF ont dénoncé la venue de Bill Gates.
"Je garde une totale indépendance dans mes orientations", a-t-il affirmé, se disant favorable au "développement des logiciels libres et de la concurrence".
Bill Gates, qui quittera en juillet son poste de directeur technique de Microsoft pour se consacrer entièrement à sa fondation humanitaire, s'est par ailleurs dit intéressé par la mise en place d'autres partenariats avec Paris dans le cadre de sa nouvelle activité.
Bill au Medef
Bill fut reçu par Laurence Parisot, la patronne du Medef,, au siège de l’organisation patronale au 7ème arrondissement de Paris. Il affichait un sourire enfantin à la lecture de quelques unes de ses célèbres slogans projeté dans l’auditorium de l’organistaion : «l’entreprise, c’est la vie», «benchmarker, c’est la santé» ou «a computer on every desk and in every home». D’ailleurs, il se félicitait d’avoir 1 milliards d’ordinateurs équipés de Windows à travers le monde et d’avoir vendu plus que 100 millions de licences de Windows Vista.
Il fut également écouté par un parterre de chefs d’entreprise français. Pour lui, l’équation est simple: plus l’environnement des employés est numérique, plus l’entreprise croît et la productivité des salariés s’améliore. Car l’archivage d’informations en ligne, les vidéoconférences, l’échange d’emails plutôt que les courriers, la sauvegarde de données confidentielles permet de gagner du temps. Et si la société évolue vers une plus grande numérisation — elle n’est qu’à «1/3 de son aboutissement numérique», selon Bill Gates — le dicton «le temps c’est de l’argent», lui, reste d’actualité.Quand la majorité de l’assistance paraît transportée par les propos de Bill Gates, quelques rebelles ne manquent pas de noter «ses slides ringards» (c’est-à-dire sa présentation projetée sur écran) et s’amusent de le voir prononcer à plusieurs reprises les mots «Apple», «Google» ou «iPod», grands noms de la concurrence. «Il y a dix ans, seul IBM pouvait se targuer d’être un concurrent sérieux de Microsoft, explique Bill Gates Aujourd’hui, Apple est revenu parmi nos rivaux. Le nombre de concurrents qui vont et viennent montrent le dynamisme de notre secteur.» D’ailleurs, interrogé sur le succès de Google (voir innovation SVP et Peu importe la quantité du travail C la qualité qui l'emporte), Bill Gates reconnaît que «c’est un formidable outil. Et ce qu’ils font, la pub sur un moteur de recherche, j’aurais dû y penser…» Aussitôt, le patron américain se ressaisit: «notre seul vrai concurrent, c’est la version antérieure de ce que l’on fait. Office 5 quand on sort Office 6 par exemple.»
Bill à la Sorbonne
Après avoir quitté le local du Medef, Bill s’est dérrigé vers le 5éme arrondissement où il a donné une conférence aux étudiants de la Sorbonne.

jeudi 24 janvier 2008

A 4.9 billion euros fraud in the Societe Generale / Une Fraude de 4.9 milliards d'euros à la Société Générale

The French bank Societe Generale says it has uncovered greate fraud by a Paris-based trader which resulted in a loss of 4.9billion euros. The bank said the fraud was based on simple transactions, but concealed by "sophisticated and varied techniques". The losses are four times greater than those made by Nick Leeson, the rogue trader who brought down Barings Bank in 1995 (Leeson was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in jail). A direct consequence : Societe Generale's shares, which were suspended in the morning, lost 3.6% when they resumed trading. The French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said that Societe Generale "has taken serious measures to cope with the situation […] I note too that the Bank of France has indicated that there is no reason to have any worries about the health of this bank and I am happy with that," he added.
The bank said the trader responsible for the fraud had "in-depth knowledge of the control procedures resulting from this former employment in the middle-office". "The transactions which involved the fraud were simple - taking a position on shares rising - but hidden using extremely sophisticated and varied techniques," chief executive Daniel Bouton said in a letter to the bank's customers (the letter is showed on the Societe Generale site). Besides, The bank said that the trader had confessed to the fraud and was being dismissed. His managers were to leave the bank as well. Mr Bouton offered his resignation but it was rejected by the board, the bank said. The trader's name is Jerome Kerviel, a 31-year-old trader who worked in the bank's Delta One products team in Paris.
The company will announce its full year results on February 21, and it said that it expects its 2007 net income to be in the range of 600m-800m euros. The results is dramatically affected by the subprime crash (the Societe Generale has lost 2 billion euros due to the Americain subprime crash) and this fraud Shares in Societe Generale have fallen by nearly 50% in the past six months. Societe Generale is also going to raise 5.5bn euros through a capital increase "to strengthen its capital base".
La Société Générale a révélé jeudi des pertes colossales dues à une «fraude» massive au sein de la banque, mais aussi à la crise des «subprimes», pour un montant total de près de 7 milliards d'euros qui a fait fondre son bénéfice 2007 et la contraint à lever des fonds au pire moment. La banque a expliqué qu'un de ses traders, travaillant à Paris au sein d'une sous-division de ses activités de marché, a profité de «sa connaissance approfondie des procédures de contrôle» pour «dissimuler ses positions grâce à un montage élaboré de transactions fictives». Compte tenu de l'importance de ces positions et «des conditions de marché particulièrement défavorables», cette fraude a un impact négatif de 4,9 milliards d'euros sur son résultat 2007 (Le bénéfice net de la banque restera positif en 2007, mais entre 600 et 800 millions d'euros. Une chute spectaculaire par rapport aux 5,2 milliards en 2006). Pour renforcer ses capitaux propres, la Société Générale va procéder à une augmentation de capital de 5,5 milliards d'euros dans les «jours qui viennent». L'employé, qui a reconnu les faits, a été immédiatement mis à pied et une plainte sera déposée contre lui, a indiqué le PDG de la banque, Daniel Bouton, dans une lettre mise en ligne sur le site. Le conseil d'administration, réuni le 23 janvier, a rejeté la proposition de M. Bouton de démissionner de ses fonctions, mais l'a soutenu dans sa décision de renvoyer les cadres, «y compris dirigeants», responsables de la supervision et des contrôles des opérations concernées. Le risque de voir son action chuter a poussé le groupe à demander une suspension de la cotation. L'action a déjà perdu 50% de sa valeur sur les six derniers mois.
L'initiative frauduleuse de Nick Leeson, un courtier travaillant pour Barings Bank lui avait coûté six ans et demi de prison et ce pour une fraude dont le montant est cinq fois moins important. Les premières informations affirment que le nom du trader est Jerome Kerviel, une trader de 31 ans qui travaillait au service middle office ce qui justifie ses connaissances détaillées des procédures de contrôle.

samedi 19 janvier 2008

The purpose

(coming soon...)