lundi 3 mars 2008

The ICT must-have event !

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.

Medvedev has been elected President...

Red Square is one of the world's most dramatic locations, and Russia's two most powerful men enjoyed the taste of victory, as they met their supporters. Dimitry Medvedev has taken up the reins from his patron, former President Vladimir Putin. He has won the backing of more than 70 percent of the electorate; an overwhelming, crushing figure, but just slightly less than Putin enjoyed four years ago. Thousands of supporters gave them a heroes' welcome.
Mr Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's chosen successor, won 70.23% of the vote on Sunday, with nearly all votes counted, according to official results. "I think (my presidency) will be a direct continuation," he said, referring to Mr Putin's eight years in office. His nearest rival was Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov, with 17.76% of the vote. He vowed to go to court over alleged fraud, Itar-Tass news agency reports.
"We have the chance to continue the progress we have enjoyed in the last few years, to improve the quality of life, and follow the plan laid down for us," said Medvedev. "And I am convinced this is the right thing to do". "We will be able to preserve the course of President Putin," he added at a celebration in Moscow's Red Square. Former President Putin insisted the vote was free and fair: "The election of the president, the election of parliament, were both held in complete compliance with Russia's constitution and the law. I congratulate Dimitry Anatoleyvich Medvedev, and I wish him luck."
The Kremlin wanted a smooth handover, but also Western acceptance of Russian democracy.
The EU has congratulated Dimitry Medvedev, and Germany say they are looking forward to working with him. Britain said it would "judge the new [Russian] government on its actions", while French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the EU and Russia had to start a new dialogue. In Washington, a White House spokesman said "the United States looks forward to working with him [Medvedev]" - but he avoided commenting on the election itself.
Putin is expected to become Russia's next Prime Minister, and few doubt he will be highly influential. But, the big question is how influential President Medvedev will be.